Sunday, December 20, 2009

#126 Sean

Sixteen years after the accident, Sean was still incredibly afraid he would die from a nacho-related disaster. And then the bees came.

#125 Barbara

Barbara never got an abortion. She used the money instead to purchase a collection of plates honoring great moments in railroad history.

#123 & #124 Michael and Jane

They had been planning their holiday for months. What Michael and Jane didn't expect was their violent addiction to cocaine.

#122 Lotti

Lotti stood at the alter but as she raised the knife she realized this wasn't HER blood sacrifice. She had walked into the wrong room again!

Friday, December 11, 2009

#121 Sandra

Sandra grabbed the vibrating cone and flipped the sign to 'Do Not Disturb'. Today, she thought, the bees would not be the ones to come.