Sunday, November 15, 2009

#120 Gretchen

Gretchen loved being the last one in the library, it was so peaceful. And then her abdomen exploded in a fantasia of bile and chunks.

#119 Pirate Joe

'Avast ye mateys', Pirate Joe called to the children. His nemesis must have given him the wrong address, there was no party in the fire pit.

#118 Susan

Susan walked into the concert hall, felt her bowels contract and realized her initiation had only just begun. And then the bees came.

Friday, November 13, 2009

#117 Ryan

Watching the children play Ryan was filled with a Pride only a pedophile could appreciate. Pride Vodka, refreshingly smooth.

#116 Aubrey

Aubrey grabbed the dagger as quick as she could. She didn't want grandma to wake up just yet.

Monday, November 2, 2009

#115 Bianca

Bianca looked at the cheerleading team in their pyramid. "Hopefully the garbage man doesn't mind this many dismembered bodies," she thought.

#114 Zelda

Zelda flipped through the pages of the book, while the chickens watched. She liked it when they watched.

#113 Bobby

He knew it was wrong, but his favorite part of the job was yelling "We got a bleeder!" But Bobby wasn't a surgeon. He just hated children.

#112 Meredith

Meredith looked to the sky. It wasn't every day you received the heimlich maneuver from an attractive stranger. Even if he was her father.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

#111 Martin

Martin had never heard the phrase, so he bought the cow regardless of her free milk. He wanted to have sex with it, anyhow.