Sunday, December 20, 2009

#126 Sean

Sixteen years after the accident, Sean was still incredibly afraid he would die from a nacho-related disaster. And then the bees came.

#125 Barbara

Barbara never got an abortion. She used the money instead to purchase a collection of plates honoring great moments in railroad history.

#123 & #124 Michael and Jane

They had been planning their holiday for months. What Michael and Jane didn't expect was their violent addiction to cocaine.

#122 Lotti

Lotti stood at the alter but as she raised the knife she realized this wasn't HER blood sacrifice. She had walked into the wrong room again!

Friday, December 11, 2009

#121 Sandra

Sandra grabbed the vibrating cone and flipped the sign to 'Do Not Disturb'. Today, she thought, the bees would not be the ones to come.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

#120 Gretchen

Gretchen loved being the last one in the library, it was so peaceful. And then her abdomen exploded in a fantasia of bile and chunks.

#119 Pirate Joe

'Avast ye mateys', Pirate Joe called to the children. His nemesis must have given him the wrong address, there was no party in the fire pit.

#118 Susan

Susan walked into the concert hall, felt her bowels contract and realized her initiation had only just begun. And then the bees came.

Friday, November 13, 2009

#117 Ryan

Watching the children play Ryan was filled with a Pride only a pedophile could appreciate. Pride Vodka, refreshingly smooth.

#116 Aubrey

Aubrey grabbed the dagger as quick as she could. She didn't want grandma to wake up just yet.

Monday, November 2, 2009

#115 Bianca

Bianca looked at the cheerleading team in their pyramid. "Hopefully the garbage man doesn't mind this many dismembered bodies," she thought.

#114 Zelda

Zelda flipped through the pages of the book, while the chickens watched. She liked it when they watched.

#113 Bobby

He knew it was wrong, but his favorite part of the job was yelling "We got a bleeder!" But Bobby wasn't a surgeon. He just hated children.

#112 Meredith

Meredith looked to the sky. It wasn't every day you received the heimlich maneuver from an attractive stranger. Even if he was her father.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

#111 Martin

Martin had never heard the phrase, so he bought the cow regardless of her free milk. He wanted to have sex with it, anyhow.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

#110 Melissa

Melissa watched as the house started to fill up with spiders, ants and roaches she thought it couldn't get any worse. And then the bees came

#109 Frank

Frank imagined what his uncle's face would look like when he separated it from the rest of his body. Probably surprised.

#108 Maggie

'Just one of those days' Maggie thought as the snake unhinged its jaw and began to devour her.

#107 Eddy

Exactly a year after the accident, Eddy accidently ran over his wife. 'This time, no mistakes' he thought to himself.

#106 Jane

Jane grabbed the object and shook it violently, it's not like it was a bundle of dynamite or anything. Except that it was.

#105 Arthur

Arthur was shocked to find the piñata filled with blood rather than candy - and that it was his daughter, not a piñata.

#104 Mary

Mary was not pretty enough to be as vain as she was. She was, however, just pretty enough to be publicly stoned to death.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

#103 Theodora

'Theodora! Theodora!' she cried, 'Theodora, I shot an intruder with your rifle!' But Theodora was very quiet indeed.

#102 Henry Wallace

Henry Wallace was not a 'pet detective' as such, he just enjoyed abducting cats.

#101 Lulu

She considered the irony as Lulu, long-time environmentalist and avid recycler, was mauled by a veritable menagerie of woodland creatures.

#100 Beaver

An avid entomologist, Beaver felt so sure his camping trip would be the best weekend, ever! And then the bees came.

#99 Olga

Olga sterilized the tabletop. It wouldn’t be long, she thought, stirring the cauldron of saliva, greedily eyeing the pancakes.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

#97 & #98 Jemma & David

Jemma and David were about to have their third child! They hoped it would be a bit better than that last rubbish one.

#96 Mauricio

Mauricio held the candles tight to his chest, as he watched fourteen trees fall on his house he thought to himself 'What bad luck!'.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

#95 Tammy's Hymen

Tammy's Hymen was a terrible name for the dog, especially when it came time to walk it.

#94 Emmanuel

No one made fun of Emmanuel when he danced, it was a beautiful sight to behold. And then the bees came.

#93 Susan

Susan grabbed the fish with all her might, looked it in the cold, wet eyes and began to scream "IT'LL NEVER BE THE SAME. NEVER!"

Sunday, July 26, 2009

#92 Fiona

Watching her mother waiting in the post office made Fiona hungry. Hungry for human flesh.

#90 & #91 Helmut & The Shark

Helmut only spoke German, and the shark was a shark. 'This relationship is never going to work' the shark thought.

#89 Mary

They hadn't seen each other for twelve years. Mary ran towards him. As she did, her legs turned into dried figs.

#88 William

William wandered lonely as a cloud. And then the bees came.

Friday, July 24, 2009

#87 Joy

They say that joy is contagious. Joy says it’s a rash she got from swimming.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

#86 Julie

Julie kept pushing, forgetting the old saying "Never push an agitated python."

#85 Ricky

His mother was right. As an agoraphobic, 'party clown' was not the best career move for Ricky.

#84 Pamela

No matter how hard Pamela threw the children at the electric fence, they always seemed to bounce back. And then she found the 'On' switch.

#83 Michael

Four hours later, the bucket was still filled with pudding and squid, yet Michael was no closer to executing his plan.

#82 Chris Tal

Ironically, Chris Tal had never been a very transperant person.

#81 Laura

Laura never liked it when it rained. It wasn't until she was caught in a thunderstorm and melted, that she realized exactly why.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

#80 Johnny

Johnny looked at his reflection in the river. As he gazed into his own watery eyes, a trout jumped out of the water and bit his face off.

#79 Angela

Angela answered the door in a hurry, forgetting that earlier she had booby-trapped it. The bucket fell on her, the bucket filled with bees.

#78 Jennifer

Jennifer looked towards the horizon, though most of the fireballs had missed her- she knew it was only a matter of time.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

#77 Ruth

'It wont be the end of the world!', Ruth thought as she picked up a different brand of milk. Sadly, Ruth was wrong. So very wrong.

#76 Janice

Janice held hands with the man for the entire bus ride, not realizing he wasn't sleeping at all, but had been dead for hours.

Monday, June 15, 2009

#75 Henry

Henry was incredibly allergic to bees. Walking through the woods at night always made him nervous. And then the badgers came.

Friday, June 12, 2009

#74 Bambi

As a part time entomologist, part time pole-dancer, Bambi was prepared for anything. And then the bees came. Really.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

#73 Philip

Philip stood his ground. Though the mongoose was incredibly large, it probably was unaware just how useful a rigid octopus could be.

#72 Tiffany

Tiffany ate the lightbulb. She wasn't happy, but if she was going to be a polite guest, she was going to consume everything on the plate.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

#71 Brigitte

Laparoscopic surgery would only reveal Brigitte's organs had been replaced by cotton. Next April Fools she would have her revenge. Probably.

#70 Thomas

Thomas loved puppies. He loved their little faces as he ran towards them screaming about socialism and recyclable materials.

#69 Gertie

Gertie looked across the room. She knew the other girls were mocking her with their buzzing sounds again. And then the bees came.

#68 Nancy

Nancy sat up quickly. Though the babies were delicious, they would have to wait. Someone was rifling through her pile of assorted papers.

Friday, May 29, 2009

#67 Andrew

Andrew woke up to find his mouth filled with ice cream. But this wasn't ice cream at all. It was a family of rats.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

#66 Deborah-Lee

Deborah-Lee watched it rise in the oven. It would be the most delicious cake to ever kill a secretary. She'd create sugar roses for the top.

#65 Trudy

Trudy spent an hour getting ready for the surprise party. When she got there, she realized the surprise was in fact that she wasn't invited.

#64 Georgie Porgie

Georgie Porgie pudding and pie, kissed the girls and was put on trial for sexual harassment.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

#63 Samuel

As he walked to his blind date, Samuel prayed it wasn't his cousin again, she always tried to slip him the tongue. And then the bees came.

#62 Lorraine

Lorraine watcher her husband clip his toenails. Once he left the room, she would collect them, put them in her mouth and try to whistle.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

#61 The Children

The Children sat behind the couch, trying to be as quiet as possible, but the tiger could smell their delicious thighs from the other room.

#60 Jeanine

Jeanine walked through the zoo, stood at the tapir enclosure and wept. "Oh, Charles" she wailed.

Friday, May 22, 2009

#59 Manfred

Manfred wasn't able to join his friends at the cinema, he was too busy dusting his collection of antique petrified children.

#58 Constance

Constance quickly looked through the files. It would be difficult, but it wouldn't be the first time she'd have to try to kill her mother.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

#57 Audrey

Audrey didn't have enough change for her bagel. She thought she did, but she didn't. She turned to leave the store- And then the bees came.

#56 Marlene

Marlene's scuba tank had been tampered with. She didn't know who replaced the oxygen with nacho dipping cheese, but they would pay.

#55 Winifred

Winifred never felt more at peace than when she was drinking ale from the skulls of her enemies.

#54 The Dentist

By day, everybody knew him as "Brad", but when the lights went out, and the latex was on, he liked to call himself "The Dentist".

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

#53 Mother

Mother always started her day with a cool glass of orange juice, two slices of toast and eight valium. Then the day really began.

Monday, May 18, 2009

#52 Esther

Had Esther not been born a vacuum, she would have been a Marxist. Or a blond. But never both.

#51 Cyril

Cyril touched his face, covered his body in butter and moaned in a C flat. It was going to be a good monday.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

#50 Samantha

For her birthday, Samantha decided to host a picnic. She prepared a lavish banquet and invited all her friends. And then the bees came.

#49 Leroy or whatever

The divorce was difficult for the boy. Mainly because he realized his parents had no idea what his name was. Leroy or whatever, who cares?

#48 Chauntelle

Everyone was looking at Chauntelle. She felt like the most popular girl at the disco. She wasn't, people were staring in fear and disgust.

#47 Simone

Simone desperately searched the pages of the magazine- but she never found shoes to go with her personality, because she was a total bitch.

#46 Grace

Grace picked up the donkey and with all her force, threw it at her father. That'll teach him, she thought.

#45 Meg

Meg stumbled into the hallway and checked herself in the mirror. It would have been a lot easier if her head was still attached, she thought

Saturday, May 16, 2009

#44 Frank

Frank found a penny, picked it up, and all day long he really did have good luck. And then the bees came.

#43 Maggie

It wasn't that the Dolphin was particularly sexy, but after it took Maggie to dinner and a movie, she felt it was only polite to put out.

#42 Father Thomas

Confession was his favorite part of the day. Father Thomas never told anyone what he was doing under his robe but he had a feeling they knew

#41 Coach

The soccer game was tied at 2-2. He was desperate, so Coach decided to use his secret weapon, his machete.

#40 Gordon

Gordon cleaned his glasses three times, then went back to disemboweling the moose. He had to hurry if he wanted to get to the movie on time.

#38 & #39, Martha & Victor

Martha came home to find that Victor's 'decapitatron' had worked all too well. This was going to take a lot of mopping.

#37 Josh

Josh washed his hands a few more times. Was it everyones blood, or just his mothers, that seemed to resist industrial cleaning products?

#36 Susan

The submarine felt cramped and claustrophobic. Suddenly, Susan regretted bringing all the bodies with her.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

#35 Richard

Richard woke up in a pool of blood to find his wife standing over him, shaving a pig. But where on earth could his glasses be?

#34 Matthew

Matthew knew his coffee tasted slightly unusual. Maybe it was the soy milk, maybe it was the snake venom, he couldn’t tell for sure.

#33 Marie

If Marie were an animal, she would be a cockroach. Because people always find it necessary to crush her children.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

#32 Denise

Denise didn't really understand what the policeman had said. Deciding to take the ball-gag out of his mouth was, however, a mistake.

#31 Marty

People thought Marty speaking in rhyme was anything but lame. Too bad for him, and then the bees came.

#30 Monica

Monica was not a very bright girl, so it came as no surprise when a coyote ate her face late one night.

#29 Barbara

In her rush to leave the house, Barbara forgot she had left her children in the oven. Needless to say they were over-done when she got back.

#28 Susan

Susan felt she had no other option than to use her kitten to disarm the thief. Luckily she had stuffed Fluffy with daggers the night before.

#27 Lawrence

It wasn't long until Lawrence realized his telekinesis was really just his obesity playing tricks on him.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

#25 & #26, Brian & Emma

Though Brian said he loved her, Emma couldn't help but feel the crossbow pointed at her face was saying something else.

#24 Brian

Brian stood in the middle of the room naked, he knew he was waiting for something, he just couldn't remember what. And then the bees came.

#22 & #23, Wendy & Marge

Wendy and Marge celebrated the acceptance of same-sex marriage in their state. They were so happy! And then the republican bees came.

#21 Dylan

Dylan wanted to be cool like all the other kids his age, but his mom wouldn't let him play with such riffraff. Being thirty sure was tough.

#20 Eloise

Religion never played a large role in Eloise's life, until she was burnt at the stake, of course.

#19 Taylor

Taylor went to the aquarium hoping to see exotic marine life. She left with hepititus-B.

#18 Millie

Millie regretted the affair after the doctor failed to announce the gender of the baby- and instead of a cry she heard a faint roar.

#17 Eleanor

Eleanor stirred her drink and gaily remembered the past twenty-four hours with a private smile. And then the bees came.

#16 Gina

Gina eventually lost the staring competition after the giant squid took her so far under the sea that her head exploded

#15 Horatio

Horatio had always wondered what amputated genitalia would look like. Finding out was so very bittersweet.

#14 Pubert

Pubert didn't have many friends, and it had everything to do with the odor that would emit from his hands when he became aroused.

#12 & #13, Mitch & Anna

Mitch told Anna he loved her very much, held out a beautiful ring and proposed. And then the bees came.

#11 April

Tragedy struck when April decided today would not only be roller-skate day, but hold sharp objects in your mouth day, too.

#10 Margaret

It was a hammer, and not curiosity that killed the cat, but only Margaret and the hammer would know for sure.

#9 Conchita

Conchita was sixteen, of spanish heritage and nothing morbid ever happened to her. And then the bees came.

#8 Winston

It wasn't that he was a homosexual, Winston's parents just didn't like him that much.

#7 Anita Dong

Anita Dong was a sad child.

#6 Ian

Ian had been told several times not to take them, but it wasn't until his mother dosed the cookies with arsenic, that he finally learned.

#5 Michael

Michael thought about all the people in his life that he loved, and it was then he realized that heroin was the only one to love him back.

#3 & #4, Sarah & Janice

"Janice?" Sarah whispered, "Janice- I just wanted to tell you, that wasn't lime soda, it was bleach." But from Janice came no reply.

#2 Paula

Paula frowned. In the dark everyone looked like her boyfriend. But at which silhouette to aim the gun? This truly was a terrible Wednesday.

#1 Ashley

It was when it gargled hysterically that Ashley realized the toilet was probably not the best method to dispose of kittens.