Tuesday, September 15, 2009

#103 Theodora

'Theodora! Theodora!' she cried, 'Theodora, I shot an intruder with your rifle!' But Theodora was very quiet indeed.

#102 Henry Wallace

Henry Wallace was not a 'pet detective' as such, he just enjoyed abducting cats.

#101 Lulu

She considered the irony as Lulu, long-time environmentalist and avid recycler, was mauled by a veritable menagerie of woodland creatures.

#100 Beaver

An avid entomologist, Beaver felt so sure his camping trip would be the best weekend, ever! And then the bees came.

#99 Olga

Olga sterilized the tabletop. It wouldn’t be long, she thought, stirring the cauldron of saliva, greedily eyeing the pancakes.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

#97 & #98 Jemma & David

Jemma and David were about to have their third child! They hoped it would be a bit better than that last rubbish one.

#96 Mauricio

Mauricio held the candles tight to his chest, as he watched fourteen trees fall on his house he thought to himself 'What bad luck!'.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

#95 Tammy's Hymen

Tammy's Hymen was a terrible name for the dog, especially when it came time to walk it.

#94 Emmanuel

No one made fun of Emmanuel when he danced, it was a beautiful sight to behold. And then the bees came.

#93 Susan

Susan grabbed the fish with all her might, looked it in the cold, wet eyes and began to scream "IT'LL NEVER BE THE SAME. NEVER!"